seating significado
seating :
the number or arrangement of seats in a venue
▪ The seating in the conference room can accommodate 50 people.
▪ A disposição dos assentos na sala de conferências pode acomodar 50 pessoas.
▪ We need to confirm the seating for the auditorium.
▪ Precisamos confirmar os assentos para o auditório.
▪ seat arrangement – disposição de assentos
▪ capacity – capacidade
seating [ˈsiː.tɪŋ]
'seating' has the stress on the first syllable and sounds like "SEE-ting".
seating [ˈsiː.tɪŋ]
both pronunciations are the same as it's a singular noun.
Frases e gramática comuns sobre seating
"seating" - Significado Comum
the number or arrangement of seats in a venue
Mudanças de Classe Gramatical para "seating"
▪ seat (noun) – assento
▪ seated (adjetivo) – sentado
▪ seats (plural noun) – assentos
▪ seatless (adjetivo) – sem assentos
Expressões Comuns com "seating"
▪ seating capacity – número de assentos disponíveis
▪ reserve seating – reservar assentos específicos
▪ premium seating – assentos premium ou melhores assentos
▪ open seating – assentos não reservados e dispostos livremente
Exemplos importantes de "seating" no TOEIC
Exemplos de vocabulário do teste TOEIC
In TOEIC vocabulary questions, "seating" often relates to the arrangement or number of seats in contexts like events or transportation.
Exemplos de gramática do teste TOEIC
"seating" is used as a noun referring to seats arrangement or capacity.
em expressões idiomáticas e fixas no TOEIC
seating arrangement
arrangement of seats at an event.
assigned seating
specific seats assigned to individuals.
Diferenças entre palavras semelhantes e seating
"seating" refers specifically to the number or setup of seats, while "arrangement" is a broader term for any kind of setup.
"seating" focuses on the seats themselves, while "capacity" refers to how many seats are available.
Palavras com a mesma origem de seating
A origem de "seating"
The origin of the word "seating" is uncertain.
Estrutura da palavra
The word is composed of the verb "seat" plus the suffix "-ing", indicating the act or state of having seats.
Palavras com a mesma origem
seat, seated, seats – words related to the same root "seat".