foremost significado
foremost :
most important, leading primarily, chiefly
Adjective Adverb
▪ She is the foremost expert in environmental science. Foremost, he supports the proposal.
▪ Ela é a principal especialista em ciência ambiental. Principalemente, ele apoia a proposta.
▪ Tokyo is one of the foremost cities in technology. She works foremost in the marketing department.
▪ Tóquio é uma das cidades líderes em tecnologia. Ela trabalha principalmente no departamento de marketing.
▪ leading – principal primarily – majoritariamente
▪ principal – principal chiefly – principalmente
▪ top – superior mainly – principalmente
▪ premier – principal essentially – essencialmente
foremost [ˈfɔːr.moʊst]
The word 'foremost' has the stress on the first syllable «for» and sounds like «FOR-mohst».
foremost [ˈfɔːr.moʊst]
The adverb form has the same pronunciation as the adjective.
Frases e gramática comuns sobre foremost
"foremost" - Significado Comum
Adjective Adverb
most important, leading primarily, chiefly
Mudanças de Classe Gramatical para "foremost"
▪ No significant derivatives found for 'foremost'.
▪ foremost (advérbio) – principalmente, acima de tudo
Expressões Comuns com "foremost"
▪ be foremost – to be the most important
▪ foremost in – leading in
▪ hold foremost – maintain the highest importance
▪ foremost priority – top priority
Exemplos importantes de "foremost" no TOEIC
Exemplos de vocabulário do teste TOEIC
No TOEIC, «foremost» é usado para indicar a principal prioridade ou a pessoa mais importante em um contexto específico.
Exemplos de gramática do teste TOEIC
In grammar questions, 'foremost' can function as both an adjective and an adverb, requiring correct identification based on sentence structure.
em expressões idiomáticas e fixas no TOEIC
'foremost priority'
the highest priority
No unique idiomatic expressions found for 'foremost'.
Diferenças entre palavras semelhantes e foremost
'foremost' emphasizes being the most important or leading, while 'primary' indicates being first in order, but not necessarily the most important.
'foremost' refers to being the most important or top, whereas 'leading' indicates being at the front or ahead of others.
Palavras com a mesma origem de foremost
A origem de "foremost"
The origin of the word 'foremost' is unclear, but it likely comes from combining 'fore' (before) and 'most' (superlative).
Estrutura da palavra
'foremost' is composed of the prefix 'fore-' meaning before or front, and 'most' indicating the highest degree.
Palavras com a mesma origem
Words with the same root include 'forefront', 'foresee', 'forewarn'.